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Why a Real Tree, or better put, why you should not use a fake tree!

Real trees clean air and produce oxygen. Fact is, one acre of Christmas trees produce enough air for 18 people per day. Real Trees provide a natural habitat for birds and animals. Fake trees carry the potential for lead poisoning in the coloring used.

Real Trees help keep our water clean, our soil stable, and our countryside more ethically pleasing. When recycled, they make excellent garden mulch as well as bird feeders. Recycled trees are also used in lakes to add structure for fish and to help curb beach erosion. On the other hand, fake trees do none of the aforementioned. When recycled, fake trees pollute. In the landfill, fake trees leech toxins into our groundwater. These poisons include dioxin, PVCs and lead.

Real Trees grown in the USA keep money and jobs from going overseas. The facts are that 85 percent of fake trees purchased in our country are made and imported from some sweatshop in China. Real Trees do not require a warning label, fake trees do.

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